What is this project?

On March 11, 2011 a huge earthquake and a tsunami devastated the Tohoku and Kanto regions of Japan. Thousands of precious lives were lost, and many people are still living under the harsh conditions.

I was one of those who heard this news while living far from Japan.
Such disasters as the earthquake, tsunami, the following nuclear power plant accidents and aftershocks, etc., however, many people both from domestic and foreign regions have started taking action, step by step, to aid in rescue and recovery for the affected areas and people in Japan.

No matter the distance, many people here are sending very warm, heartfelt words to Japan.
Although far away, I wanted to do something to help,
even something as simple as a small step.
With this in mind, I started this project, Smile for Japan –start with a small step- .

Our hands may be small.
But many caring HEARTS sending SMILES without regard to nationality, religion, or race, will lead to HOPE, and become a strong positive energy for the people in the affected areas.
This is my hope and belief.
I hope for as many smiles as possible to lead to an even greater smile!



そんな中、 “今、自分にできる何かを、小さな一歩から”
こうした思いから、Smile for Japan –start with a small step- を立ち上げました。


March 20, 2011   ちひろ(Pin)、エルサレムより

※Many thanks to Nanase and Asuka from the Smile Japan 311 project for their many help and advice.
Due to the similarities between the projects, please note that any infomation sent to this site will be also uploaded to the website of Smile Japan 311 as well.
(unless you explicitly inform us. Please read Terms and Conditions.)

原則としてSmile Japan 311”プロジェクトへも自動的にアップロードさせていただきますことをご了承ください。
(ご要望があった場合はこの限りではありません。詳しくはTerms and Conditionsをご参照ください。)